Your Baby’s First Words

Isn’t it exciting to know when your baby can utter his first words? Babies start cooking when they are younger; you can expect your baby to start talking during his 11 to 14 months; the first word tends to be short and one-worded like “Mama,” “Papa,” and other short words. Of course, each child differs from one another. If you have had a baby before, and they can speak as soon as they were 12 months old. Don’t be discouraged if your baby can’t speak even he’s already in 14 months old, they have their milestone, and they work at their own pace.

Vocabulary expands rapidly, more than tripling from about 300 words at about two years of age to about 1,00 words at about three years of age. At about four years, incredibly, children acquire the foundations of adult syntax and language structure.

It is clear that no toddler blossoms all of a sudden into one capable of telegraphic speech. As the five stages above show, the acquisition of language comes in stage beginning with cooing, then babbling to one-word utterances, to two or three-word utterances or even more, but without articles and prepositions this called telegraphic speech.

Language (Expressive Language)

In this part of the article, we’re going to show a quick overview of when your child will be able to speak some words. Just do note that one child differs from one another, which means that there’s nothing to worry about if your baby can talk late, but make sure you can consult your baby’s condition to the doctor.

Standard: The child will be able to make use of gestures and words to express what he/or she wants, and or he/she is currently thinking. Your child might point out something shiny on your dress because it attracts his/her attention. This is considered the first thing your baby does.

0-6 months. Makes gurgling, babbling, cooing, and other forms of vocal sounds. He uses gestures to indicate what he wants, like pointing and stretching his arms onto something.

7-12 months. In this place, babies will repeat sounds that are being produced by other people. If you consistently repeat the world, “Ma-Ma,” they will be able to repeat the syllable in no time. They will be able to say meaningful words like mama, papa, and other words that specify persons. Your baby will then be able to say syllables that recognize a particular person, which includes the faces of people that he or she frequently sees. For instance, if he/she constantly sees his/her uncle every single day, he/she will show a happy expression on his or her face by smiling or extending his or her arms.

Your Baby’s First Words

  1. Your child will then be able to repeat or mimic the sounds of animals like saying meow-meow for a cat. If he/she has a cow stuff toy, you can encourage him/her by repeating the word “moo” while playing with the stuffed toy. Your baby will also make use of the various environmental sounds that surround her. It can be inspiring to hear your child’s first words, but that first word can be significantly affected base on the kind of word you tell him/her most of the time.

    13-18 months. Babies will be able to speak in single words; they will also be able to say “yes” and “no” appropriately when you are trying to ask them questions. For instance, if you want to ask them which food they want to eat. They will be able to answer your “yes” or “no.” They will be able to use words accompanies with gestures that indicate the things he wants. They can also respond to simple questions that only require a single-word answer.

    19-24 months. They will be able to use pronouns and use possessive pronouns like “Mine” and “Yours.” They will attempt to converse even if he cannot understand or comprehend the words that you are trying to say. And when he speaks, he will accompany it with gestures to help you understand the thought he wants you to know. This is the place where you will frequently see your baby giggle or move his or her mouth a lot. That is because he or she wanted to talk with you about the words or syllables that he or she is capable of producing. This could be a heart warming for a parent to witness; you might as well prepare a video cam to record this moment with your precious baby.

    Is there something I can do to help my baby talk?

    The months that we have enlisted are just a scale on when babies can talk, but they should be the solid foundation on when your baby can talk. If you want your baby to say some words, their things that you can do to encourage your baby, such as speaking slowly, so he can have the time to imitate the words that you are trying to say to him.

    Use nouns than pronouns, babies tend to remember the names of the people they love. Try saying, “This is Mommy’s book.” “This is (the name of your child) ‘s Teddy” There are still many ways where you can encourage your baby to talk. You can sing to your child some songs and rhymes; they will be able to repeat simple rhythms. They might sound silly, but trust us, it will surely be worth it. Children naturally love to sing songs, let the Britney Spears Spirit out of yours.

    What Not to Worry About

    Some babies will be able to speak as early as 7 months, however, if your baby can’t speak for 12 months. We do recommend you consult a doctor and see if there are things that you can do, so you can encourage your baby to talk. Every child does developers at this own pace. At first, they might utter “mi” for milk, so don’t worry if they can speak the whole word “milk” at the moment. Give them some time, and they will be able to talk the entire word. By the way, Don’t forget to check our:

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  3. How To Be A Good Parent
  4. Keep your baby’s skin soft and moisturized

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